It's been a busy month - but not necessarily doing anything I wanted.
I got a bit more of my hallway painted, and as soon as I finish here I'll continue on with it. Unfortunately before Xmas I injured my arm. It feels as though I've torn the muscle in my upper arm, and every time I think it;'s improving. I move my arm in the wrong direction, and it tears again. Of course its my right arm, so doing anything for any length of time is impossible, but I'll get there.
I've ordered the weed suppressing membrane for my garden paths. I've been given 7/8 little box plants to go into my front garden, (they will form part of a boundary hedge), and my bulbs are peeping through. I'm going to have spring flowers a little later than everyone else, as I only put them in a month ago! My Viburnham in the back garden is just about to bloom, I can't wait for the perfume to waft in through the patio doors on a spring day......
I purchased my first bag of compost for my veggie seeds, I'll probably begin to sow from about next week. I have a load of rubbish to arrange a collection for before that happens. I got a quote from the council last week, a horrendous price. They will charge £30 to remove one fridge, 1 dog cage and four 6'x2' hardboard panels. I am no longer surprised that some people 'flytip' their waste.
I wish I could take some pictures, but my battery charger for my phone seems to have gone 'walkabout' so I'm pictureless at the moment. I've been doing a bit more cross stitch and now I can see the end is in sight I want to crack on and finish the picture. All I have to do then is get it framed. I have a mirror and a couple of pictures up in the hall at last, so it's starting to feel like home. I also have my large mirror hung in the living room. I've had to resort to picture wire for that though, Try as I might I couldn't get the drill to go deep enough to take the hooks where they needed to go. I just hope it holds! I'm seriously thinking of using something like No Nails on the frame to make sure it's safe. I'll see how it goes once the living room is papered and painted. I've found some nice paper I want on one wall, this is it, and I love it. It feels so fresh and clean and calm..........
Anyway, enough for now. I have the house to myself and I want to make the most of it. My daughter stayed at a friends last night, and my son has an interview in London, I love the peace and space when they are both out, and it doesn't happen often. Until next time...
About Blackbutterfly Cards
I started making cards for pleasure in 2007, and quickly found my home was becoming swamped by cards everywhere. I decided to put some of them up for sale on a webpage in an effort to recoup some of the costs of my hobby. I called the webpage Blackbutterfly Handcrafted Cards, and it can be found at
I try to take my cards to a couple of table sales or craft fairs a year, but make my cards mainly for friends and family. I would love the website sales to take off, as I nowhere near cover the costs involved in this all absorbing hobby, but for me the main thing is the pleasure I have in making my cards.
Recently I have decided to expand my blog to cover my other interests too. It's a sort of substitute for going to work and chatting to people, as due to ill health I was unable to work, and since the beginning of 2014 I am officially a pensioner.
Although I'll still show my cards, I'll also be covering my other interests and how I attempt to make ends meet day by day.
In fact anything that crosses my mind will be on here, so be prepared for waffle and a wasted five minutes as you read. Make coffee and settle in, why don't you?