About Blackbutterfly Cards

I started making cards for pleasure in 2007, and quickly found my home was becoming swamped by cards everywhere. I decided to put some of them up for sale on a webpage in an effort to recoup some of the costs of my hobby. I called the webpage Blackbutterfly Handcrafted Cards, and it can be found at http://www.blackbutterfly2007.co.uk/

I try to take my cards to a couple of table sales or craft fairs a year, but make my cards mainly for friends and family. I would love the website sales to take off, as I nowhere near cover the costs involved in this all absorbing hobby, but for me the main thing is the pleasure I have in making my cards.
Recently I have decided to expand my blog to cover my other interests too. It's a sort of substitute for going to work and chatting to people, as due to ill health I was unable to work, and since the beginning of 2014 I am officially a pensioner.
Although I'll still show my cards, I'll also be covering my other interests and how I attempt to make ends meet day by day.

In fact anything that crosses my mind will be on here, so be prepared for waffle and a wasted five minutes as you read.
Make coffee and settle in, why don't you?

Friday, October 01, 2010

At last .............I produced a card!!

Well................half a card anyway!!  I sent off for some the La Pashe Flippin' Men/Women stamp sets and they arrived this morning. As usual when I get a new stamp I can't wait for an idea I just want to stamp it up! So now I have a half finished card that I don't know how to salvage into something useable. I'll just have to put it away and come back to it at a later date. With luck some blinding flash of creativity will strike in a few weeks time.

The weather is dark and dank here, so the lighting on these pictures is abysmal. Please excuse the picture quality, my camera is bad on a GOOD day!!

The polar bears I coloured I have now made into 3 very simple cards. I do like them though.
I didn't want to do anything too fancy, as I have been invited to have a card table at my local Housing Association this month. Theres some sort of Christmas fair come table sale being held there. However from last years experience I know that people don't want to pay a lot for a card, so I'm doing some less involved ones.

 Hopefully I'm not going to end up using more cardstock and embellishment value than the prices will cover. I think also I may try some memo pad covers, and some candles again. As the sale is a little earlier this year, someone may want a small token present or tree gift, so fingers crossed!
Running late again tonight with cooking so I'll have to go now, but I'll try to keep up to date with posting this month.

1 comment:

  1. Loving how you've coloured your flippin man! And I think the card looks fine like that - CAS cards are lovely too!
    Love the christmas cards too - good luck with the sale!
    And I hope your dinner was nice! lol!

    Sheena xx
